Winter is here – bringing snow, sleet, school closings, car accidents, and slip‐and‐falls! While we hope for a mild winter, we want to make sure you are prepared for whatever the season may bring. Before you head out in the cold, here are some helpful tips to get you safely to your destination:
Things to do:
DO listen to the news and traffic reports for state of emergency announcements including school and road closures BEFORE you leave your house.
DO drive carefully; we want you to arrive at your destination safely. If you take public transportation, check websites for adjusted schedules or closures.
DO plan ahead. Allow extra time to get where you are going and keep an emergency kit (containing a blanket, flashlight, shovel, batteries, water, and granola bars) in your car just in case the unexpected happens.
DO dress appropriately for the weather conditions, including layers and shoes with traction.
DO walk slowly, enabling yourself to react to traction changes and uneven surfaces. Unseen dangers may hide beneath the snow.
Things NOT to do:
DON’T forget to wear a coat! Even if you plan to run straight inside when you leave your car, you never know when your car could break down!
DON’T wear inappropriate footwear for the weather conditions. For some of us, high heel boots are a must – but they are not sensible for walking through snow and ice.
Instead, wear snow boots to school and carry your dress shoes/heels in a bag to change into when you are safely inside.
DON’T get out of your car without looking! Ice patches including black ice can be difficult to spot if you aren’t paying attention.
DON’T stick your hands out to break your fall. This creates a greater risk of injury to your arms. If you start to fall, tuck your arms into your body instead.
DON’T forget about safety once you are inside! Wipe your shoes on a floor mat to avoid slips. Make sure the floor beyond the mat isn’t slippery with excess water and look out for curling edges of a floor mat so you don’t trip.
Enjoy your winter and follow these tips
to stay safe and injury free!