Services and Support
Reliable Resources for a Measurable Positive Impact

Save Time, Money, and Resources
As a full-service K-12 talent and management solution, ESS absorbs the responsibilities of your substitute and paraprofessional program. A partnership with ESS will give your District more time, efficiency, and resources.
Customer Service
and Support
From transition and recruiting to local management and technology, our program is designed to ensure we meet your every staffing and management need. The ESS program is flexible, innovative, and focused on each district we serve.
A Localized Approach
We have offices near (and often even within) all the districts we serve. Our team is regularly present in your District, fostering relationships with your administrators and staff. ESS account managers, compliance managers, hiring coordinators, recruiters, IT operators, trainers, payroll specialists, and engagement representatives are present to ensure program success.
Transparent Program Performance
Get the information you need, exactly when you need it. ESS provides limitless reporting customization and scheduling, on-demand access to program data, and in-depth trend analysis to forecast your District’s needs before they happen. Our system uncovers trends in absenteeism and pinpoints peak days to ensure we are equipped to provide full coverage.
Responsive Management for Each School
Just as each student has unique needs, so does each school in your District. We build our program strategy around each school, customizing everything from recruitment plans and community relationships to performance incentives and substitute support. We foster positive relationships with school administrators to ensure satisfaction and surpass expectations.
Empowered Full-Time Faculty
Your teachers will have a voice in deciding which substitutes are the best fit for their classrooms. Additionally, ESS hosts onsite information sessions at the start of the partnership to educate your staff and administrators on how to get the most out of our program. A local team of qualified, community-based experts bridges the gap in support at the school level.
Administrative Relief
End-to-end program management, so that you can direct administrative resources elsewhere.
- Market, advertise, and recruit 365 days a year
- Screen, hire, and credential employees
- Train substitute and permanent staff
- Fill assignments by email, text, and phone calls
- Manage healthcare benefits, 401(k), unemployment claims, and workers' compensation
- Coordinate awards, incentives, raffles, and bonuses
- Provide employee support and career development
- Supervise talent and handle incidents
- Process payroll and handle any payroll issues
- Create reports to analyze trends and anticipate future performance
K-12 Software Solutions
ESS specializes in providing cutting-edge software solutions to K-12 school districts. Our technologies simplify your substitute teacher and aide program. We are a true technology partner, implementing robust solutions that provide efficiency and transparency.
Applicant Tracking System
Our user-friendly applicant tracking system makes onboarding quick and painless for substitutes and school staff. Streamlined digital processes eliminate front office paperwork and ensure 100% compliance.
Time Tracking System
Toss paper timesheets to the side and enjoy the convenience of a premier substitute time-tracking solution. ESS captures employee time, including those with multiple jobs and locations. The system eliminates paper timesheets, decreases manual data entry, and captures working hours and job attendance to ensure accurate pay and billing for hours worked.
Absence Management and Substitute Placement System
School administrators have enough to worry about. You deserve absence management software that makes your job easier. In addition to our proprietary web-based software solutions, ESS specializes in implementing and integrating with all the industry’s leading technologies – so you can be sure your District will have the best solution.
Your District can elect to manage your own absence management tasks, or ESS can provide you with a fully managed service, including training and customization.
High Placement Rates
ESS is committed to placing a substitute in each vacancy. We develop custom strategies to deliver high placement rates in your District.
- Provide daily analysis of district absence data to identify peak days and trends, ensuring a sufficient substitute pool
- Track employee absences by position, school, and reason; share statistical insights to help evaluate policy and take corrective measures
- Analyze school data to determine the need for building-based substitutes
- Provide program transparency by creating daily placement rate reports that contain all absence data, including absences submitted up to and through the start of school